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Biology is the study of life. Whether that be the study of our body, to animals, and even smaller on the microscopic level in form of bacteria and single-celled organisms. You can find out about them all here.

There are nine sections in total to choose from.

Physics & Chemistry

PLEASE NOTE: these sections have been archived, and will no longer be updated.

Physics is the study of everything physical. From movement and speed, to the subatomic and atomic levels of size. It includes a mathematical look at the world, and includes things like energy resources and the universe.

Chemistry is the study of elements, mixtures, compounds and things like the planet's atmosphere. It includes a look at the composite structure of the earth, and how we use the elements that come out of it.

There are currently dix sections you can choose from.


Here, you will find a series of specials that explain certain components of everyday life, or history of a subject. Just interesting things that take longer than a single page to explain.